Friday, January 17, 2020

Useful Fiction: Continuation

         All change is a miracle to contemplate, but it is a miracle which is taking place every instant. 
                        Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Go slow, wander, read, write, listen
 and remember: time no longer 
   separates—the present surrounds,
 envelopes us, erases all
 hours’ distinction.  In time—the most 
  in time—just an outline of sand,  
 time and nature synonymous,
  creating this useful fiction—
  a truth without limit, present 
 bounded only by the words we  
   use to make the impossible.
I take you with me, live informed 
 by history ever-changing,
  lasting along, stretching between 
  us, thread and strands—broken lines of 
eight connecting our presence.  Then  
 and now I hear intrusions, these
  other presents, histories on
 the margin of our own, impinge,
  act out their will—lay open palms— 
 pass the body’s permeable 
   surface, bleeding into soil, a 
 harvest of lives and what we are. 
Out the open window—morning 
 glory flowers. . .  We drove as far, 
 as long we could—the sun went down 
  and the moon came up and out of
 Idaho—a big purple orb 
  rising across the night sky—a 
 morning star—kept us all the way.
Wyoming by night—Nebraska.  
Trains rumble in the distance with 
  low grumblings, lights cutting dark, the 
 dissonant horns blasting distance—
   a broad margin in the present
 stretching beyond the limits of 
  sublunar sight.  A document  
 of time, we make this fiction to
  live within, the present a gift
 for hereafter, these few days left
  to fill with words, and counting what
    remains finite—to disappear,
   grow old, wither and die, become
 an element of earth again.
Still, the current speeds us along. . . 
After a dark wintering night 
  dawning nature—our eyes transmit 
 spectacles of this universe,
   as night veils and the day reveals.  
Our history becomes its own 
  spectacle, part of nature, the dark
   made light, and in its glorious 
 creation now.  These our gifts—the 
 moments gathered here within and
  freely bestowed, these instants add 
 up to eternity.  Little 
  figures of time—dust and chaff yet
 add them, and then multiply, by two,
 or collate them, interspersing,
  even quoting them, a kind of
 remembering that adds layers
  and generates its own living 
 environment, an atmosphere
 capable of sustaining life, 
  enveloping us within a
  sublime landscape, with seasons hot,
 wet, warm and cold.  Heaven is just
  under our feet, when we dare look.
This our living document, this
  useful fiction, mends rifts—fissures 
 of stress and force—contains time, a 
  present gift, and comforts hardship. 
We make it as it makes us, too,
 even on the hardest of days.
Even daily, miracles may
 form faith—simple gestures, seeing 
   made new, revelations,
 living with a broad margin at 
  the cusp of some speculative 
   endeavor and understanding 
 you will never fully know why,
   yet still beat on.  Each word shall be
   continuous, without border, 
  beginning or end, all part of
 the living whole, an unbroken 
  stream of time made just and right for 
 you, all those who may come after.
I speak only to you, and those 
 willing to listen—attentive—
   to trains roll through the night, watch birds 
  dash and soar, cringe as lightening 
 cracks, gaze as she dresses early
  in morning light.  You give life its 
 potential—to breathe, stretch in the
  sun, lay in the tall grass, nothing
   less than a free soul set loose from 
  its bounds to change the world and all
 within and out.  We might tend a
  smaller margin, read less, drive more
 but we desire living art, a 
  useful fiction that ebbs and flows 
  like moods, seasons moving along 
 in time, with time, as time, living
  promise of what is yet to come. 

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