Saturday, September 11, 2021

Walking Around St. John’s Cemetery, Komatke, AZ, GRIC: Youtube Video by Urban Pima Pie

“Look at the clouds.  

That’s the service center in the background, our community park.  This is the Catholic cemetery.  

That’s my car over there.  

The sun is going down.  

There’s some people over there.  I don’t know what they’re doing.  It looks like they’re sitting on the graves.  Some one is listening to tribal music.  

I have a lot of relatives back there in those houses.  

It looks so cold out here but it feels good.  

I got a Signature Cocktail—Sex on the Beach—and some Chinese food waiting in the car.  

This is my cousin Sam—mainly known as Uncle Sam—one of the first people I met when I moved here.  He really showed me what rez life is all about.  He was murdered.  

Come on, this way.  

This is my cousin, Chaya.  She was obese and had diabetes, and, you know, all the problems that come with it.  She was my age—43, maybe 44—young.  She was crazy, though. 

Let’s walk this way.  

Tiny is in the car—I don’t want her to get eaten by coyotes.  

Here’s my grandma, Bertha—she had a tumor—and my grandpa—he had a heart attack—and my pop—alcohol.  He was young.  

These are my uncles—Floyd and Richard, who committed suicide.  Floyd, he was stabbed at a party and died in my grandmother’s yard.  Richard felt so bad for leaving him he hung himself in the trees way back in the mountains.  It happened so long ago I forget which it was.  

That’s Auntie Linda.  She had cancer.  

That’s the casino lights over there.  

Look at the sky.”

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