Friday, January 17, 2020

1201 E. Weber  

     for Nick Petzak

No where near Olympus a car honks in
Night’s center.  A staccato snap from the 
Rock club’s snare drum.  Airplanes on descent, and 
Take off, depending on the time.  Fly by 
Cars at fifty miles an hour.   If only 
The dogs stopped barking.  We just stay in our 
Rooms, doors shut.  It’s easier that way.  At 
Least there are birds.  Finches with their red heads, 
Agile Sparrows.  Inca Doves sit seven, 
Eight, nine watching, scatter when they are ten. 
Cowbirds, bloody-red eyes, twisting deformed 
Beaks.  Grackles squawk, whistle, run around like 
Snotty athletes, strut with noses pointed 
Up.  It turned cold at last tonight and, for 
Only a moment, the quiet lasted. 

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