Friday, January 17, 2020

Mogollon Rim

Down that fire road outside of Payson, the 
Field we lay in last spring, a green ridge spans 
Our vision, jutting deep into the blue.  
Ravens cackled, brushed our ears with stealth.  We 
Burned popcorn and ate it anyway.  Out 
Away from fire’s heat and light the frigid
Milky way stars wend their way.   Heart in ear 
And throat, the taste and sound of love—sweet warm
Blood—the whine and bellow of breeding elk, 
A jurassic park of desires, all those
Desperate animal cries.  A gunshot, 
Two.  Bundled layers between us, our plans 
Linger outside the tent.  Thrilling at my 
Question, your answer, your careful story.

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