Friday, January 17, 2020

Winged Life

     for MW

Purple smudge majesty, clouds 
Hardened into colors the 
Shape of indecision, still
Stranded between rain and sun, 
Where hope burrows deep within 
Shades of red, pink, orange, brown,
The past stacked in so many 
Years, hard and fast against all
But wind and water, these 
Persistent chords of desert 
Music scattered aimlessly.  

Blue purple patches of wet
Sky struggle somewhere between  
Today and tomorrow.  A 
Cloud lingers—forgiving
Iridescent rain blurred out 
In the distance where little 
Grows yet rich with life, always.

The desert is not solace,
Comfort.  It strips to reveal 
Nothing, denies home, promise,
Salvation, yields an endless
Expansion, geography  
Displaced, ghosts and nomads who
Wander abandoned, forsworn.  


Three days on the train, hawks on 
Every tenth pole, so many 
Dead, and one vast junkyard dump, 
Cars so old trees grown through them.

Tilden and Connecticut,
Eighteen degrees, clear blue, wind.
The sun retreats from the sky.

A homeless man shot at the 
White House.  Bihać, Chechnya,
The Brookline Clinic.  Always
A shooting to read about, 
Makes criminals of us all.

She always leaves in morning,
Cuts out chess pieces in her 
Purple floral dress, enough
Time to tell living between
Black and white divides the pairs.  


The sun sears away the flesh
From what remains, desiccates 
Memory into dust that 
Mingles soil and sun-dried bone, 
A place mark, after thought of
A presence transformed absence.   

Everyone knows the story 
Of a strong beautiful bug 
Come out from the dry leaf of 
An old apple-tree table 
That stood in a kitchen for 
Sixty years.  An egg laid in 
The living tree many years 
Ago hatched perchance by the 
Heat of an urn.  Who knows what 
Beautiful and winged life—for
Ages buried in layers
Of concentric wood—may come 
Forth from the most trivial 
Furniture of daily life. 

I eat rich brown soil, red clay
Mud, sandy loam, the needle
Thick forest floor.  I stare at 
The bone white moon, eyes closed.  Scraps 
Of train yard rust leach into 
Blood.  Firefly flashes light the
Interiors of fear, and 
Cicadas drone without cease.

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