Friday, January 17, 2020

Your Voice

Within your voice—its sounds, intonation,
Resonance—a lexicon, syntax, a
Language, mine merging with yours in words that 
Accrete layers beyond and above their 
Fundamental—overtones and hints heard 
Even when they’re not played, a secret though
Shared vocabulary.  Still, so close, I 
Forget, lose details.  At one point I could 
Draw your hands, neck and chest, the shape of your 
Ribs’ outline and span.  If I’m still, the room 
Is dark, I remember some of what there 
Is, but more loss all the time, and more fear—
It’s gradual, quiet—no matter how 
Abrupt or sudden the leaving.   After 
Dominique killed herself, Sammy and I 
Forgot she was gone.  Then necessary.  
All the blood, the whole Satyricon phase, 
Jonesing, Sammy getting married to Chris,
Beat on the regular, the things I did 
For attention.  I’m not the same person, 
Though it’s certain I am.  I recall but 
Can’t remember her.  You raise ghosts talking
About your own Dominique, in your voice 
Their names’ coincidence—absent presence.

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